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Bay Mills Conservation Dept.

11801 W Plantation Rd

Brimley, MI 49715

Phone: 906.248.8645


Most recent update(1/2023): Amendment to Conservation Code-Ordinance Regulating Possession of Eagles and Parts


The Bay Mills Conservation Department began in 1979 with the Fox Decision. This case gave BMIC the right to commercial fish the treaty ceded waters of lakes Superior, Huron and Michigan under tribal regulations and enforcement. In 2007, an additional consent decree was signed with the state and federal governments that recognizes the tribes right to hunt and fish in the treaty ceded territory of Michigan under tribal regulations and enforcement.


Today, the department employs five officers that patrol the Great Lakes and inland waters under tribal regulations and enforcement.


Commercial fishing licenses may be obtained at the Bay Mills Conservation Department.  There is a $25 fee for all commercial fishing licenses.  Once the paperwork is started and paid for, tribal members will have to get a signature from an Executive Council member, and then taken to the BIA office in Sault Ste. Marie.  Catch reports shall be filed monthly.


Subsistence fishing licenses may be obtained at the Bay Mills Conservation Department at no charge.  Monthly catch reports shall be filed.


Tribal members fishing with hook and line on the Great Lakes or the St. Mary’s River shall mirror the state regulations in regards to size limit, seasons, possession limits, gear restrictions, etc.  Tribal members fishing with hook and line on inland streams and lakes should refer to the Bay Mills Conservation Code as these regulations are different.  A valid and legible tribal id card is required while exercising your treaty rights.


Hunting, gathering, trapping, etc. licenses may be obtained at the Bay Mills Conservation Department at no charge.  As with any other license, we ask that the tribal member present a legible tribal identification card.

 Tribal members seeking information about hunting and fishing permits, as well as current regulations, can contact the Conservation Department.








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